
Participa en el Premi de la Societat Catalana de Química 2025

Si ets estudiant o recent titulat en química i has defensat el teu Treball de Fi de Grau (TFG) durant el curs 2023-2024, aquesta és la teva oportunitat per rebre reconeixement pel teu esforç i talent! 🌟

📅 Termini d’admissió: 29 de novembre de 2024, a les 13 h.

💶 Dotació: 600 euros i diploma acreditatiu. També es poden concedir dos accèssits sense dotació econòmica.

📜 Requisits:

  • Presentar el teu TFG, inèdit, en català, castellà o anglès amb un resum en català de 5.000 caràcters.
  • Adjuntar una carta de recomanació del supervisor/a i un certificat amb la nota obtinguda (mínim 8,5).

El jurat valorarà el contingut, la qualitat del treball i la correcció en català. El guanyador tindrà l’oportunitat de publicar un article adaptat en la Revista de la Societat Catalana de Química.

👉 Tramita la teva candidatura telemàticament a través del portal de l’IEC:

No perdis aquesta ocasió de fer brillar el teu treball! 💫

#PremiSCQ #Química #Investigació #IEC #SantJordi2025 #TalentEmergent #EstudiantsQuímica

Important announcement for students. Online lectures 27/09

Due to the general strike planned across Spain on Friday, September 27th, which will also affect the Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona (UAB), all lectures scheduled for that day will transition to an online format. This decision is made to ensure the continuity of classes while allowing everyone to make their own decisions about participation in the events of the day.

Please find below the timetable for September 27th with the updated online lecture links.

TimeSubject (Professor)Online Lecture Link
9:00 – 11:00CI F. Novio[]
9:00 – 11:00AC I. Henríquez
11:00 – 12:00IRC R. Bofill
12:00 – 13:00CSM J. Hernando
13:00 – 14:00AC G. Guirado

Instructions for Students: Please check the updated online lecture links above. If you face any issues accessing the lectures or have been informed of a different plan by your professor, kindly reach out directly to them for clarification.

Thank you for your understanding and cooperation.

What’s next? Procedure for students preadmitted in the master

If you have been preadmitted in the Industrial Chemistry and Introduction to Chemical Research program, the next steps in the procedure are as follows:

  • Admission: According to the calendar provided on the website of the Industrial Chemistry and Introduction to Chemical Research program at UAB , you are either in possession of the admission letter or can expect to receive it soon. Check the calendar. For non-EU citizens who do not hold an EU residence permit, it is important to note that the time has come to submit your visa applications (*).
  • Subject Selection: After your admission, you will need to select the subjects or courses you wish to pursue during your studies, according to the itinerary (Industry to research) you were admitted. Refer to the program’s website for guidance on subject selection. You may need to fill out a tutorial form indicating your preferred subjects. Check the website to select the subjects.
  • Study Guide and Course Materials: Once you have finalized your subject selection, refer to the study guides provided by the program for each chosen subject. These guides will outline the course content, learning objectives, and recommended resources. Obtain the necessary course materials, textbooks, or supplementary readings as indicated in the study guides.
  • Tutorial form. Next step is to fill the tutorial form in your selected language ENGLISH CATALAN SPANISH specifying the selected subjects according the itineraries. The sum of all credits must be 60 ECTS. If the program coordination determines that an “in-person/online” tutorial session is necessary, they will contact you to schedule it.
  • Submission of Tutorial Form: Complete the tutorial form based on the provided guidelines, sign it, and submit it back to the program coordination. Ensure that you have accurately indicated your chosen subjects and any additional information requested in the form. The signed form sent by the coordination is mandatory for the enrollment.
  • Enrollment. After completing the tutorial form, you will be able to proceed with the enrollment process for fully admitted students (July 25-31, 2024) or admitted students pending undergraduate diploma (September 9-25 , 2024). For more detailed information regarding enrollment, please visit: ENROLLEMENT WEBSITE following this steps and deadlines.
  • Start of Classes: Kick of session by September 20 (mandatory) and start of the lectures by September 23. Keep track of the academic calendar or class schedule provided by the program. Be prepared to begin your classes on the specified start date. If there are any orientation sessions or induction programs, make sure to attend them to familiarize yourself with the program, faculty, and fellow students.

(*) It is crucial to submit your visa application within the specified timeframe to allow for processing, which can take several weeks or even months. It is recommended to start the visa application process as soon as you receive your admission or preadmission letter to avoid any delays or complications. Consult the embassy or consulate’s website or contact them directly for any additional information or specific requirements related to your visa application. Adhering to all the guidelines and submitting a complete application will increase your chances of obtaining a student visa successfully.

Remember to regularly check the program’s website, emails, or any communication channels provided by the program coordination for updates, announcements, and any additional requirements throughout the enrollment process. You can either subscribe the website to receive notifications.

Additional information and documents

Tutorial forms

Study guides and itineraries

Check the website to select the subjects.

The information currently available for the study guides corresponds to the subjects offered during the 2023/24 academic year.

 42428 – Chemistry for Specific Materials of Interest to Industry and Research

 42424 – Industry and Research in Chemistry: Specialized Topics in Theory and Practice

 42429 – Advanced Chemistry

 42426 – Chemistry in Industry

 42427 – Biomolecular Chemistry

 42423 – From Small Molecules to Nanomaterials

 44540 – Work Placement

 44539 – Master’s Degree Dissertation


🚨 FAQS 🚨

⚠️ International Welcome Point ⚠️

Vila Universitaria (info)


Job Opportunity. Chemical Technician Specialist in Gas Chromatography at Ingeniería Analítica

Position: Chemical Technician Specialist in Gas Chromatography – Equipment Installation and Analytical Method Development

Location: Sant Cugat del Vallès, Barcelona

Company: A specialized SME in analytical instrumentation services focusing on chromatography, spectrometry, and peripherals.

Key Responsibilities:

  • Installation, calibration, and maintenance of chromatography and spectrometry equipment.
  • Technical support and training for clients.
  • Development and implementation of new analytical methods.
  • Liaison with national and international suppliers and clients.
  • Publication of technical notes and presentations at conferences.


  • Bachelor’s or Master’s degree in Chemical Sciences or related field.
  • Demonstrable experience in gas chromatography and mass spectrometry.
  • Proficiency in English and advanced computer skills.
  • Valid driver’s license and willingness to travel frequently within Spain (75% of the time).

What is Offered:

  • Full-time position (40 hours/week).
  • Permanent contract with initial trial period.
  • Competitive salary (€40,000 – €55,000 gross annually).
  • Private medical insurance.
  • Immediate start.

Work Schedule:

  • Monday to Thursday: 8:30-9:00 AM start, end at 6:00 PM or later.
  • Fridays: 8:30 AM to 3:00 PM.
  • Adjustments during client visits to accommodate schedules.

Application: Interested students should send their CVs and cover letters to

Admin. Manager
T: 93 590 28 50 | M: 676454601     

Opportunity for Master’s Graduates at Mapsi Photonics

Join Mapsi Photonics, a leader in optical filter production for infrared detection and beyond, is seeking a Master’s graduate in Chemistry, Chemical Engineering, or a related field for the role of Optical Filter Production Technician.

Key Responsibilities:

  • Develop and monitor production processes.
  • Innovate to improve quality and cost efficiency.
  • Perform data analysis and laser cutting.


  • Master’s degree in relevant field.
  • Laboratory and microelectronic process experience valued.
  • Proficiency in Python, Matlab, or C++ is a plus.
  • Fluency in Spanish and English is highly desirable.


More details

Oferta de Treball. Tècnic de R+D per a Empresa en Productes Químics

Des de la coordinació del Màster, ens complau compartir una oferta de treball publicada per Timup, una consultora de selecció. Estan buscant talent dins del món de la química per a una posició de Tècnic d’R+D en una empresa internacional líder en la fabricació de productes químics de gran consum.

Descripció de la posició:

  • Formulació de nous productes o reformulació de formulacions actuals.
  • Preparació de la documentació necessària.
  • Escalado industrial.
  • Suport a producció.
  • Gestió de projectes de desenvolupament amb equips multidisciplinaris.
  • Realització de formulacions en laboratori.
  • Elaboració de protocols per verificar i validar l’eficàcia de les formulacions.
  • Redacció de nous protocols i informes corresponents a l’àrea d’R+D.
  • Planificació de la gestió dels projectes en cartera d’R+D.


  • Grau en Química.
  • Experiència mínima de 2 anys en formulació de productes químics.

Els interessats poden consultar la descripció completa de l’oferta i els detalls per aplicar en el document adjunt.

Per a més informació i per enviar el vostre CV, contacteu a o apliqueu a través del QR indicat en el document.

Consulta el document per a més detalls.

UAB’s Virtual Fair for Master’s Degrees, Graduate Courses and PhD Programmes

Fira virtual de màsters, postgraus i doctorats UAB

Are you thinking about enrolling in a master’s or postgraduate degree, but can’t make up your mind? Would you like to speak directly with the coordinator of the programmes you are interested in and help solve any doubts you may have?

From 27 to 31 May, 2024, the coordinators of the University Master’s Degrees, continuing education’s Master’s Degrees, Diplomas and Courses, and PhD programmes, will offer information sessions on each programme. They will begin with a short presentation and then will focus on answering all types of questions, helping to solve any doubts, presenting your future lecturers and helping you meet your future classmates.

To participate you must sign up and a link will be sent to your e-mail shortly before the beginning of the fair:

Registration is OPEN!

link to join the session May 31, 15 h.

🚨 Master Thesis Committee Announcement 🚨

We are pleased to announce the formation of our Master Thesis Committee, which comprises three permanent members from the Chemistry Department, representing different areas of knowledge.

🆕 Master dissertation committee members and dates confirmed.

📍 Venue: Seminari Departament de Química, Room C7/003

Industry (15th and 16th July)

  • Dra. Fina Pons
  • Dr. Manel Alcala
  • Dra. Ona Illa

Research (22nd and 23rd July)

  • Prof. Ramon Alibes
  • Dr. Roberto Boada
  • Dr. Xavier Solans

Best of luck to all the candidates!

Engage with Innovative Projects at MEMEnginy2024

🚀A Call for Makers and Entrepreneurs! 🚀

Are you a master’s student with a knack for innovation, looking for your next challenge or a groundbreaking thesis idea? MEMEnginy2024 invites you to become a part of an entrepreneurial journey that could shape your future!

Event Details:

  • When: Thursday, April 25, 2024
  • Time: 12:30 PM to 2:00 PM
  • Where: Escola d’enginyeria UAB / Disseny Lab Espai Maker

Why Attend?

  • Discover 9 pioneering projects in need of talented individuals to complete their teams.
  • Networking Opportunity: Meet like-minded peers and industry professionals.
  • Inspiration for Thesis Projects: Find a project that excites you and could serve as a potential thesis topic.
  • Empower Your Career: Joining an entrepreneurial project can offer invaluable experience and boost your career prospects.

Who Should Attend?
This event is perfect for master’s students who are eager to apply their skills in real-world scenarios, passionate about tackling challenges, and interested in entrepreneurship and innovation.

How to Participate:
Register now to secure your spot and take the first step toward joining an entrepreneurial team. Don’t miss this chance to connect with projects looking for someone just like you!

🌟 Transform Ideas into Reality – Your entrepreneurial journey starts at MEMEnginy2024! 🌟

Webinar Series on Sustainable Practices in Environmental Sciences

The Department of Environmental Sciences is pleased to present a series of webinars featuring Vilija Kederienė, Professor at the Kaunas University of Technology and Vice Dean of the Faculty of Chemical Technology. These sessions are designed to provide master’s students with advanced insights into sustainable practices in the field.

Session 1: Utilizing Green Solvents and Alternative Energy Sources in Laboratory Research

  • Date: April 23, 2024
  • Time: 12:00 PM
  • Location: Room C3-022
  • Focus: This session will explore the application of green solvents and alternative energy sources, aiming to reduce the environmental footprint of laboratory research.

Session 2: Advancements in Biomass Utilization and Pre-treatment Techniques

  • Date: April 26, 2024
  • Time: 1:00 PM
  • Location: C1/-178 Auditorium Sciences/Biosciences
  • Focus: Discover the latest in biomass pre-treatment methods and its potential as a sustainable energy source, emphasizing efficiency and environmental benefits.

Who Should Attend: These webinars are ideal for master’s students seeking to deepen their understanding of sustainable scientific practices.

We encourage all interested students to participate and engage in these insightful discussions. This is an excellent opportunity to enhance your knowledge and skills in environmental sustainability.

Les Facultats de Ciències i Biociències expliquen els Premis Nobel del 2023

El proper 12 de desembre les Facultats de Ciències i Biociències celebraran l’acte commemoratiu dels Premis Nobel a la Sala d’Actes de 15 a 17 h.

15:00h – Presentació de l’acte a càrrec del Dr. Isidre Gibert González, degà de la Facultat de Biociències, el Dr. Juan Jesús Donaire Benito, degà de la Facultat de Ciències i la Dra. Sònia Casillas Viladerrams, vicedegana d’Estudiants i Ocupabilitat de la Facultat de Biociències de la UAB.

15:15 h – En commemoració del Premi Nobel de Física, la conferència Attoseconds: escurçant el temps, impartida per la Dra. Anna Sanpera Trigueros, Professora ICREA al Departament de Fisica de la Facultat de Ciències. 

La Real Acadèmia Sueca de Ciències va concedir el premi Nobel de Física de 2023 a Pierre Agostini, Ferenc Krausz i Anne l’Huillier, pel desenvolupament d’eines que permeten estudiar el desplaçament ultraràpid dels electrons dins dels àtoms. 

15:35 h – En commemoració del Premi Nobel de Fisiologia o Medicina, la conferència La recerca menystinguda de l’RNA com a molècula terapèutica, a càrrec del Dr. Jaume Piñol Ribas, del Departament de Bioquímica i Biologia Molecular de la Facultat de Biociències.

L’Institut Karolisnka va concedir el Premi Nobel de Medicina o Fisiologia de 2023 a Katalin Karikó i Drew Weissman, pel desenvolupament de la tecnologia de l’RNA missatger i la seva aplicació en vacunes RNA contra la COVID.

16:55 h – En commemoració del Premi Nobel de Química, la conferència Nanopartícules semiconductores: Un Nobel colorit per efectes quàntics de mida, a càrrec del Dr.  Javier Rodríguez Viejo del Departament  de Física de la de la Facultat de Ciències.

La Real Acadèmia Sueca de Ciències va concedir el Premi Nobel de Química de 2023 a Moungi Bawendi, Louis Brus y Alexei Ekimov per la seva recerca en nanopartícules  que difonen llum i que poden guiar els cirurgians quan enretiren teixit tumoral. 

17:15 h  Torn obert de preguntes i cloenda de l’acte. 

L’acte serà retransmès en streaming a través d’aquest enllaç.

What’s next? Procedure for students preadmitted in 1st and 2nd period

If you have been preadmitted in the 1st or 2nd period of the Industrial Chemistry and Introduction to Chemical Research program, the next steps in the procedure are as follows:

  1. Admission: According to the calendar provided on the website of the Industrial Chemistry and Introduction to Chemical Research program at UAB , you are either in possession of the admission letter (1st period) or can expect to receive it soon. The specified date for the notice of admission for the second period is June 30th, 2023. Check the calendar. For non-EU citizens who do not hold an EU residence permit, it is important to note that the time has come to submit your visa applications (*).
  2. Subject Selection: After your admission, you will need to select the subjects or courses you wish to pursue during your studies, according to the itinerary (Industry to research) you were admitted. Refer to the program’s website for guidance on subject selection. You may need to fill out a tutorial form indicating your preferred subjects. Check the website to select the subjects.
  3. Study Guide and Course Materials: Once you have finalized your subject selection, refer to the study guides provided by the program for each chosen subject. These guides will outline the course content, learning objectives, and recommended resources. Obtain the necessary course materials, textbooks, or supplementary readings as indicated in the study guides.
  4. Tutorial form. Next step is to fill the tutorial form in your selected language ENGLISH CATALAN SPANISH specifying the selected subjects according the itineraries. The sum of all credits must be 60 ECTS. If the program coordination determines that an “in-person/online” tutorial session is necessary, they will contact you to schedule it.
  5. Submission of Tutorial Form: Complete the tutorial form based on the provided guidelines, sign it, and submit it back to the program coordination. Ensure that you have accurately indicated your chosen subjects and any additional information requested in the form. The signed form sent by the coordination is mandatory for the enrollment.
  6. Enrollment. After completing the tutorial form, you will be able to proceed with the enrollment process for fully admitted students (July 25-31, 2023) or admitted students pending undergraduate diploma (September 1 – October 1, 2023). For more detailed information regarding enrollment, please visit: ENROLLEMENT WEBSITE following this steps and deadlines.
  7. Start of Classes: Kick of session by September 22 (mandatory) and start of the lectures by September 26. Keep track of the academic calendar or class schedule provided by the program. Be prepared to begin your classes on the specified start date. If there are any orientation sessions or induction programs, make sure to attend them to familiarize yourself with the program, faculty, and fellow students.

(*) It is crucial to submit your visa application within the specified timeframe to allow for processing, which can take several weeks or even months. It is recommended to start the visa application process as soon as you receive your admission or preadmission letter to avoid any delays or complications. Consult the embassy or consulate’s website or contact them directly for any additional information or specific requirements related to your visa application. Adhering to all the guidelines and submitting a complete application will increase your chances of obtaining a student visa successfully.

Remember to regularly check the program’s website, emails, or any communication channels provided by the program coordination for updates, announcements, and any additional requirements throughout the enrollment process. You can either subscribe the website to receive notifications.

Additional information and documents

Tutorial forms




Study guides and itineraries

Check the website to select the subjects.

The information currently available for the study guides corresponds to the subjects offered during the 2022/23 academic year.

 42428 – Chemistry for Specific Materials of Interest to Industry and Research (2022-23)

 42424 – Industry and Research in Chemistry: Specialized Topics in Theory and Practice (2022-23)

 44416 – Master’s Degree Dissertation (2022-23)

 44427 – Work Placement (2022-23)

 42429 – Advanced Chemistry (2022-23)

 42427 – Biomoleculary Chemistry (2022-23)

 42426 – Chemistry in Industry

 42423 – From Small Molecules to Nanomaterials


Opportunity for Master’s & PhD Candidates. Create – Protect – Innovate: Bringing ideas to market

🚀 Elevate Your Future with MIPEF! 🌍✨

📢 Exciting News for Master’s & PhD Candidates! Our university has partnered with the @European Patent Office to bring you the Modular IP Education Framework (MIPEF) – a world-class Intellectual Property learning experience!

💡 Why Join MIPEF?
✅ Explore the world of patents & innovation
✅ Engage with top experts in IP
✅ Earn ECTS credits through interactive courses
✅ Gain cutting-edge knowledge in Science, Engineering, Law & Business

🔗 Find out more & access our dedicated resources here:

Learn More

🎥 Watch & learn:
🔹 Entry Level – Create – Protect – Innovate
🔹 Advanced Level – Bringing Ideas to Market

📌 Tag @European Patent Office and join the conversation with #IPEducation #MIPEF! Let’s shape the future of IP education in Europe together! 🚀

Create – Protect – Innovate: Bringing Ideas to Market (Entry level) 

Create – Protect – Innovate: Bringing Ideas to Market (Advanced level) 


Entry Level –> Click here
Password: UV01-2025_P9v?

(Advanced Level –> Click here
Password: UV02-2025_T3#b