The internship (15 ECTS) and master thesis (15 ECTS) modules are undertaken during the second semester of the master’s program in an academic institution, research institute, or company, under the guidance and supervision of a professor from the Chemistry Department of UAB.
The evaluation of the master thesis module will be based on a written report prepared by the student, followed by a public oral presentation and discussion of the report.
Format and layout of master thesis report
– The report has to be written in English and between 20-30 pages long, using the following letter’s fonts: Times New Roman 12 or Arial 11 or Tahoma 11, with a line spacing of 1.5.
– The content will be structured into the main following chapters: abstract, introduction, objectives, results and discussion, conclusions, and experimental part. The whole set of chapters results and discussion, conclusions and experimental part should be at least 2/3 of the total length.
– On the cover it has to be included the following data:
- UAB Logotype centered at the top part
- Name of the master: “Master in industrial chemistry and introduction to chemical research”
- Name of the module: “Master Thesis”
- Title of the report
- The names of the author and supervisor/s (in UAB and elsewhere if applicable)
- Department, Faculty and date
– The initial page of the master thesis report has to include the following text:
Report presented to pass the module Master Thesis from Master in industrial chemistry and introduction to chemical research [Author’s name and signature] Approval [Supervisor/s Names and signatures]
Bellaterra [dd:mm:yyyy]*
Deposit date in the Chemistry Departament
In addition to all these instructions, you will receive an email in a timely manner with further instructions.
The student will deliver into the Department Secretary
a) One-hard copy to the Secretary Office of the Department of Chemistry (Room C7/035) before deadline (10/07/24 at 14:00 h).
b) The electronic version in PDF format send by email to
c) The master’s survey, via: This is a mandatory requirement, and you need to download the proof of survey submission. Please bring it to us along with the master thesis as instructed above.
Presentation of master thesis dissertation
Date: to be confirmed
Venue: Seminari Departament
The student will have up to 20 minutes for a public oral presentation. After that, the committee will discuss with the student about the report and the presentation for a maximum of 20 minutes.
Master thesis committee
Composed by four members of the Chemistry Department (permanent staff), from different area of knowledge.
🆕 Master dissertation committee members and dates confirmed
📍 Venue: Seminari Departament de Química, Room C7/003
Industry (15 and 16 July)
Dra. FIna Pons
Dr. Manel Alcala
Dra. Ona Illa
Research (22 and 23 July)
Prof. Ramon Alibes
Dr. Roberto Boada
Dr. Xavier Solans
The committee will consider:
– The report presented.
– The public presentation of the report.
– The discussion of the student with the tribunal about the report.